  1. The Medical report is intended to aid in diagnosis and treatment and not for forensic applications. Hence these results cannot be used for medico-legal purpose
  2. The test are carried out in the lab with the presumption that the specimen belongs to the patients named or identified in the bill/test request form/booking ID.
  3. Tests are performed and reported in accordance with the stated schedule, However, there may be incidences beyond our control which could result in delay of testing results. We deeply regret the inconvenience caused.
  4. Individual laboratory results should not be considered as conclusive and should be used with other clinical information to determine a final diagnosis. In case of unexpected test results please contact the laboratory.
  5. Since Omega Path Lab does not verify the identity or the details of the customer except in case of certain tests, it cannot be held responsible for any misrepresentation or misuse.
  6. Omega Path Lab confirms that all tests have been carried out with reasonable care, clinical safety & technical integrity, however due to certain factors like reagent inconsistency, machine breakdown etc. beyond its control which may affect the testing. It does not make any representation or give any warranty about the accuracy of the results.
  7. In case you are not intended to recieve this report, please immediately return in the same to the concerned issuing desk. Any disclosure, copy or distribution of any contents of this sort is unlawful & strictly prohibited.
  8. Electronic images in the reports are created by electronic / digital processing. Omega Path Lab makes no expressed or implied warranties or representations with respect to it and takes no responsibility for the authenticity, quality and size of the image, affected possible due to a computer virus or other contamination.
  9. A test requested may not be carried out if sample is insufficient, Inappropriate or any discord between labeling of sample container and name of the test requisition.
  10. Test results may show inter-laboratory variations.
  11. Few of the testes might be outsourced to partner labs as and when required.
  12. For any concern regarding this report call at our quality helpline at 0129-4609269